Rivers of Bangladesh
Survey 2023

Who We Are

The Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 certified center of excellence in Dhaka, the Capital City of Bangladesh located in South Asia. The working domain of CEGIS span Resource Management Planning (Natural and Intellectual), System Development, Capacity Building, and Research activities.

A Public Trust and center of excellence established by the Government of Bangladesh under the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR); A "Not-for-Profit" organization guided by a Board of Trustees headed by the Secretary of the MoWR; An entity strengthened with an organized pool of experts and resources to serve humanity by excelling in the state-of-the-art technology in resource management planning, system development, study and research and capacity building; An organization aimed at achieving green environment, blue water and balanced development for better well-being of the nation.


Nazmul Ahsan
Secretary, Ministry of Water Resources and Chairperson of CEGIS Board of Trustees

Under preperation      ...Read More

Malik Fida A Khan
Executive Director, CEGIS

Protection of Environment through sustainable conservation and management of natural resources are important contemporary issues as prevailing environmental problems hav...Read More

Our Services

Our Landmark Projects

NAP Formulation

The government of Bangladesh formulated its National Adaptation Plan (NAP) under the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate...Read More

River Bank Erosion Prediction

Riverbank erosion is a silent natural disaster. CEGIS has developed a unique tool for predicting the riverbank erosion one year a...Read More

Land Cover and Land Use

CEGIS has prepared the National Land Cover Map using SPOT Satellite Images of 2015 under “Strengthening National Forest Inv...Read More

Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100

Bangladesh, like other delta countries, has to deal with the growing threats of sea level rise, salinity intrusion, flooding, lim...Read More

Climate-Resilient Flood Mitigation

CEGIS conducted a detailed hydrological, geotechnical and catchment management study to formulate long term climate resilient, fl...Read More

Khulna-Jessore Drainage

The Khulna-Jessore Drainage Rehabilitation Project (KJDRP) was a flagship project of the BWDB for removal of drainage congestion ...Read More

Navigation Routes Dredging

CEGIS has been assisting the BIWTA from 2008 in optimizing river dredging for maintaining the important ferry and navigation rout...Read More

Capital Dredging in Haor Area

Haor is a wetland ecosystem in Bangladesh’s North Eastern part. Inland navigation is the main mode of transport for people ...Read More

Master Plan for Haor Area

The haor region of Bangladesh has long been lagging behind the mainstream of national development. There are about 373 haors/wetl...Read More

CDA Water Logging Mitigation

Undulating terrain of Chattogram City have some hectic drainage congestion which have been obstructing the flow of the passages o...Read More

Landslide Risk Profile

This study intends to investigate the existing soil and rock conditions, soil profiles and engineering characteristics of the sub...Read More

Mapping of Greenbelt Zone

The Forest Department engaged CEGIS to conduct this study project under the Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Ref...Read More

Identify of Tourism Centers

To fulfill the commitment of the Honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh for developing the tourism sector of the country, Banglad...Read More

Feasibility Study River Ports

Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority has entrusted CEGIS to conduct feasibility study and ESIA of developing 5 (five) rive...Read More

Digital Land Information

BWDB implemented more than 700 projects for which about 2 lakhs hectares of land has been acquired at different periods of time. ...Read More

Natural Resource Monitoring

The forest coverage including Sundarbans Mangrove Forest, Coastal Mangrove Plantation, Plain Land Sal Forest, and Hill Forests we...Read More

Smart Project Monitoring

In order to facilitate real time or near real time monitoring of implementation of the projects, CEGIS developed a GIS based Smar...Read More

Constituency Delimitation

CEGIS has developed a GIS based delimitation tool for Bangladesh Election Commission (BEC). The tool is developed in ArcGIS deskt...Read More

National Water Res. Database

The NWRD is the largest geospatial database that was developed for WARPO for the preparation of the National Water Management Pla...Read More

DRAS and DSSAT Model

The Drought Assessment (DRAS) Model, which is a computerized framework linked with GIS and developed by CEGIS, provides informati...Read More

Flood Inundation

CEGIS has been using Microwave Remote Sensing Technology for monsoon flood mapping and monitoring since 1993. The catastrophic fl...Read More

Digital Mapping for KGDCL

Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Limited (KGDCL) has developed a GIS based Management Information System (MIS) including diffe...Read More

Impacts in Rice Production

Climate change impacts are likely to influence the monsoon season and hence lead to changes in spatial or temporal distribution o...Read More

Multi-hazard Zone Map

Community Risk Assessment (CRA) is a process of identification, assessment and analysis of hazard specific risks in different vul...Read More

Morphological Studies Padma

With the intention of connecting the south-west of the country to the northern and eastern regions, the government intends to bui...Read More

Physical Processes of Meghna

Throughout the centuries, the Meghna estuary has experienced the dynamic process of erosion and accretion. The eroded (land loss)...Read More

Inland Nav. Convergence

In association with partner organizations of India, CEGIS has carried out a research theme titled as “Convergence of Inland...Read More

Re-excavation of Kapotaksha

The environmental and social baseline of the Re-excavation of the Kabodak River Project was prepared for the BWDB as part of a sy...Read More

Environmental Auditing

The benefits expected from the Water Management Improvement Projects (WMIP) are reduced vulnerability and enhanced livelihood opp...Read More

Gorai River Restoration

CEGIS was involved in a World Bank funded EIA of the Gorai River Restoration Project (GRRP) conducted for the BWDB. The impact of...Read More

Nature-Based Solution

This technical assistance project funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB) aims to scale up climate change adaptation interventions...Read More

Adaptation in Agriculture

The frequency and severity of hazards caused due to climate change may increase over time and the prospects for agriculture in ge...Read More

Strong Network and Partnerships