Md Motaleb Hossain Sarker

Deputy Executive Director (Operations)
Contact No.: 01715015419

Career Summary

Mr. Motaleb Hossain Sarker has been working in the field of water resources, climate change impacts, water supply & sanitation, agriculture water management, arsenic & water quality monitoring, and ecological monitoring for environmental management and planning at national and international levels for about 27 years. He has also worked as Director Ecology, Forestry, and Biodiversity division and Agricultural and Fisheries Division of CEGIS.

Mr. Sarker started his career with a BWDB project (Meghna River Bank Protection Project – FAP 9B) as Junior Water Resources Engineer under Bangladesh Engineering Technological Services (BETS) Ltd. Then he has worked for Engineering and Planning Consultants (EPC) Ltd under FAP 3.1 and FAP-4. Further, he joints to Sir William Halcrow consulting engineers UK Ltd. Under South West Area Water Resources Management Project (FAP-4) of BWDB as Water Resources Engineer/GIS Analyst worked on coastal hydrology, hydraulics, hydrographic survey (River cross, long profile, eco sounding) from Gorai river to Passur Sibsa and major coastal river, conduct river reconnaissance survey & planform analysis, polder performance analysis, sub-catchment wise water, and agriculture resources planning to apply geo-spatial technology and RAOM model.   Mr. Sarker also worked for small-scale water resources development projects of LGED as a Water Resources Planning Engineer for screening schemes, hydrological/hydraulic design of small-scale structure and supervise the soil investigation and geotechnical engineering works. He was also involved in National Minor Irrigation Project of the Ministry of Agriculture and worked as a Mid-Level Engineer/GIS Analyst/Specialist for sustainable agricultural development through efficient minor water management for the country.

Mr. Sarker working at CEGIS since 1998. He also working with WARPO for the last 25 years on different projects including the NWRD preparation and updating. Over the years he has gained substantial experience in (i) Water Management and Water Resources Analysis applying geo-spatial technology, (ii) WASH monitoring, (iii) Water Supply, sanitation and arsenic mitigation planning, and water quality monitoring through field data analysis and evaluation and comprehensive report writing; iv) water management, climate change, and agro-ecological data analysis, crop modeling and environmental management including baseline survey and report preparation and (vi) Worked as Project Manager/Team Leader for different sectoral projects. He has a very good communication network with different government and development agencies at national and international level such as DFID, UNDP, UNICEF, WFP, FAO, ADB, WB, ICIMOD, the European Union, the Norway Embassy, and the Netherlands Embassy, and for government agencies like BWDB, CWASA, WARPO, BARC, BADC, BRRI, BARI, DPHE, DOE, DLS, DAE, BMD, BSCIC, SRDI, Department of Fisheries, Department of Forest, IPHN etc.

Mr. Sarker also worked on several milestone international collaborative projects with Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, India, Thailand, and Norway. He is also a Senior Research Fellow of Dr. Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. He also achieved the IFS (International Foundation of Science) Young Scientist Award in 2007 for conducting the study “Assessment of Dry Season Water Availability and Water Demand in Floodplain Beel Areas for sustainable agriculture and fisheries resources development applying geo-spatial technology”.


Masters of Engineering in Water Resources Engineering from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET); Post Graduation in Water Resources Survey in application with Remote Sensing and GIS, from International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation (ITC), The Netherlands, 1997. B. Sc. Agricultural Engineering (Irrigation & Water Management) from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.

Area of Interest/Expertise

Environmental, water resources, water supply & sanitation, groundwater resources assessment, water quality and ecological monitoring. Climate Change impact assessment on agriculture, crop modeling, water management, monitoring of ecosystem, biodiversity and wetland management and, arsenic and water quality monitoring and assessment using geo-spatial technology. National Planning document including NAP for DLDD and SLCP.
