Md. Amanat Ullah

Senior Specialist
Contact No.: +8801717443291; +8801952140588

Career Summary

Mr. Amanat has been working with the multidisciplinary team of CEGIS for more than 13 years as an Ecologist for conducting IEE, EIA, and Environmental Monitoring studies of water resources, power, climate change, communication, and various planning sector projects. He has gathered experience in the field of natural resources management and ecological impact assessment. Acquisition of field data on biodiversity and ecosystems, validation of ecological data through the application of GIS and RS and report writing on these aspects are his main activities. As an ecologist, he is experienced in the preparation of environmental management plans, plantation design, biodiversity management plan, evaluation of ecosystem services, and biodiversity conservation.


B. Sc. (Botany), 2000; M.Sc. (Botany), 2001

Area of Interest/Expertise

Natural Resource Management, Environmental Impact Assessment and Biodiversity conservation through application of modern technology (GIS, RS and Ecosystem Modelling)
