Ahmmed Zulfiqar Rahaman (on leave)

Associate Specialist
Contact No.: +880-1534902612
Email: azrahaman@cegisbd.com; azr.wre@gmail.com

Career Summary

Mr. Ahmmed Zulfiqar Rahaman is working as an Associate Specialist in the Climate Change and Disaster Management Division of the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS). Mr. Rahaman has over 10 years of experience in the field of water resources engineering, climate change, disaster risk reduction, climate modeling (downscaling), hydrologic and hydro-dynamic modeling, flood risk management, environmental impact assessment, environmental auditing, eco-engineering & low impact development measures, sustainable & water sensitive urban development, climate change risk, vulnerabilities and impact assessment, adaptation and mitigation planning, capacity development, development planning, SDGs & geo-spatial planning. Till date, he has been engaged in more than 50 projects to give his expert input either fully or partially at home and abroad. He was simultaneously involved in numerous studies in order to provide climate, flood & drought modeling services, engineering solutions, adaptation and mitigation measures for achieving sustainable development & climate resilience. He showed his excellent skills as an International Team Leader for stormwater modeling, feasibility study, and preparing stormwater management plan integrating low impact development (LID) measures for Thimphu City of Bhutan. Additionally, he worked for developing environment friendly & climate resilient flood risk management measures for Paro watershed and southern Bhutan.

He developed Statistical Downscaling Model for climate scenario generation (temperature and precipitation projections) covering whole Bangladesh for CMIP5 datasets. He was involved in flood hydrology study for Dhaka city (western part), watershed modeling and future water availability assessment for GBM basins applying hydrodynamic and hydrological models. He was actively engaged in assessment of the river flood, coastal floods, flash floods & drought risks under different studies. He was engaged in multiple urban drainage and flood modeling using SWMM and SOBEK. As part of Ashuganj-Palash irrigation project feasibility study, he assessed the irrigation water requirements using CropWAT. Overall, he has extensive experiences in using different mathematical modeling tools for watershed, floods and flow modeling i.e. SOBEK, HEC-RAS 1D-2D, HEC-HMS, CCHE2D, Delft3D, SWAT, SWMM, SDSM, ModFlow, DSSAT and ArcGIS for impact assessment studies under changing climate condition. He has experiences to transform this modeling outcome into solutions followed by developing both structural and non-structural solutions, where environment friendly green infrastructures & climate resilient design has been integrated.

His another key specialty is assessing the climate change risks and vulnerabilities applying both scientific and participatory approach following IPCC and UNSFDRR frameworks. He has done the CRVA exercise for water resources, agriculture, fisheries & aquaculture, cities, infrastructures, communities & ecosystem. He conducted hydrological modelling for climate change impact assessment on water availability, irrigation canal modeling and estimated crop water requirement under climate change scenarios. He contributed to develop a generic water valuation framework for estimating shadow water price of different sectors, develop climate resilient road design guidelines, assess city level climate resilient infrastructures need, analyse participatory scenario development for prioritizing community based adaptation in haor areas and formulate climate resilient WASH interventions. He has experiences on formulating watershed management measures, adaptation measures and DRR measures for enhancing climate resilience, livelihoods improvement and conservation of ecosystem. He was involved in environmental auditing for haor ecosystem, e-flow & strategic environmental assessment, adaptive pathway development using Adaptation Delta Management (ADM) principle. In all technical assessment, he frequently applied his special geo-spatial analysis skill to process GIS and remote sensing data, applying different geo-spatial techniques such as Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), geo-spatial aggregation for risk mapping etc.

Throughout his career, he developed his expertise on translating action oriented knowledge into policy actions, with active involvement in formulating vision, goal and strategies for Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100. He is one of the lead contributors of the recently approved National Adaptation Plan of Bangladesh (2023-2050) & updated Nationally Determined Contributions.  Furthermore, he has experiences in preparation of climate adaptation & mitigation strategies and options, prioritization, implementation, monitoring evaluation and learning (MEAL) mechanism for tracking adaptation & mitigation progress. He was also fully engaged in preparing the Sector Action Plan on Environment and Climate Change, Transformative Capacity Development Plan and Knowledge Management Plan for Climate Change Adaptation and Community Climate Resilience Plan for Fisheries and Aquaculture. He provided his input for developing the outline and conceptual architecture of the Disaster Risk Information Portal (DRIP) for the Planning Commission. 

Apart from technical inputs and policy studies, he also facilitated and co-facilitated multiple training initiatives as resources person, which focused on integrated water resources management, integration of climate change adaptation into national development planning process, climate resilient road infrastructures development and ESIA, climate science, impact and adaptation, and adaptive delta management. He customized the modules of these trainings. The training participants were mostly government officials & professionals. Additionally, he was engaged in developing full technical and financial proposals for multi opportunities, preparing presentations on contemporary topics, attending meetings, consultation workshops or seminars and maintaining business communication and liaison with existing and potential clients.   

In his career, Mr. Rahaman worked with various national and international organizations, development partners, research institutes, NGOs and INGOs like BWDB, DoE, LGED, RHD, JRC, DBHWD, WARPO, Planning Commission, DAE, RAJUK, BCCT, PKSF, FAO, UNDP, GIZ, World Bank, ADB, IMC Worldwide, ICIMOD, IWMI, CCAFS-CGIAR, Reliance India, Twynstra Gudde Adviseurs, Deltares, IHE, Wageningen University, Royal Government of Bhutan etc. He has achieved several training and certifications on Natural Resources Management, Watershed and Mathematical Modeling, Business Communication, Leadership and Project Management.


M.Sc. Engg. (WRE), Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET), B.Sc. Engg. (WRE), Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET)

Area of Interest/Expertise

Hydraulics, Hydrology, Mathematical Modelling, Climate Change, GIS, Water Resources Planning and Management, Spatial Planning



Tasnim, A. and Rahaman, A.Z., Green Roofs to Combat Urban Heat Island (UHI) Effect as Urban NbS for Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas of Bangladesh, International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, The Environmental & Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE-EWRI) in partnership with the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET-IWFM), Dhaka, Bangladesh and Reston, VA, USA, January 4-6, 2023. ISBN: 978-984-35-3438-5  


Naem, A.S.M.J., and Rahaman, A.Z., Prospect of Low Impact Development (LID) Measures for Climate Change Adaptation in Urban Areas of Bangladesh, International Perspective on Water Resources and the Environment, The Environmental & Water Resources Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE-EWRI) in partnership with the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET-IWFM), Dhaka, Bangladesh and Reston, VA, USA, January 4-6, 2023. ISBN: 978-984-35-3438-5  


Mehedi, S. and Rahaman, A.Z., Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) for National Adaptation Plan Process in Bangladesh. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2022), Institute of Development Studies and Sustainable Development (IDSS), United International University, United City, Madani Avenue, Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. November 2022. ISBN 978-984-35-3293-0  


Tasnim, A. and Rahaman, A.Z., Suitability Assessment of Push-Pull Farming System to Combat Pest Infestation as a Nature Based Solution (NbS) of Climate Change Adaptation in Bangladesh. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2022), Institute of Development Studies and Sustainable Development (IDSS), United International University, United City, Madani Avenue, Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. November 2022. ISBN 978-984-35-3293-0  


Fahim, T.M., Rahaman, A.Z., Amin, G.M.R. and Ahmed, T.S., Sanjida, L., and Khan, M.F.A. Flood Risk Assessment of Proposed (100 MWAC) Solar Power Plant in Sonagazi, Feni and Formulation of Mitigation Measures. 5th International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD 2022), Institute of Development Studies and Sustainable Development (IDSS), United International University, United City, Madani Avenue, Badda, Dhaka 1212, Bangladesh. November 2022. ISBN 978-984-35-3293-0  


Rahaman, Ahmmed Zulfiqar., Application of Motivational & Ability Framework for Participatory Water Management in Bangladesh for the Partner Session on Water Management Approaches for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, International Conference on Water Security and Climate Change (WSCC2022): Adaptation for Sustainable and Resilient Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand, 01-03 December 2022.  


Rashid, M.A., Rahaman, A.Z. and Sikder, A.H.F., Greenhouse Gas Emission from Agriculture Sector in Haor Areas of Bangladesh. 8th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 29-31 March, 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  


Pangare, Ganesh; Nishat, Bushra; Liao, Xiawei; Qaddumi, Halla Maher. 2021. The Restless River: Yarlung Tsangpo-Siang-Brahmaputra-Jamuna. Chapter 2 Flow-The River’s Journey:  Nishat, Bushra; Khan, Malik Fida A; Kapadia, Harish; Rahaman, Ahmmed Zulfiqar; Zhao, Fanyu; Ahmed, Imtiaz; Liao, Xiawei; Prasad, Eklavya and Arun, Srestha B. World Bank, Washington, DC. © World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/36258 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO  


Rahaman, A. , Sarker, G. , Tamim Al Hossain, B. , Bhuiyan, S. and Julker Naem, A. (2021) Assessment of Community Based Climate Change Risk Focusing Agriculture and Fisheries Sector in Haor Areas of Bangladesh. Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 11, 342-362. doi: 10.4236/acs.2021.112020.  


Sarfaraz Alam, Md. Mostafa Ali, Ahmmed Zulfiqar Rahaman, Zahidul Islam; Multi-model Ensemble Projection of Mean and Extreme Streamflow of Brahmaputra River Basin under the Impact of Climate Change. Journal of Water and Climate Change. 1 August 2021; 12 (5): 2026–2044. DOI: https://doi.org/10.2166/wcc.2021.286  


Rahaman, A.Z., Asaduzzaman, Md., Amin, G.M.R., Hossain, B.M.T.A., Naem, A.S.M.J., Debnath, P., Ahmed, T.S., Khan, M.F.A., Adhikari, H.N., Adhikari, R. and Gyeltshen, S., 2020. Integrated Stormwater Management Plan for Thimphu Thromde (2021-2030). Volume I. Technical Report by CEGIS and APECS Consultancy JV., Department of Engineering Services, Ministry of Works and Human Settlement (currently reformed as Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport), Royal Government of Bhutan, November 2020. https://www.moit.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Thimphu-Thromde-stormwater-management-Plan.pdf  


Faisal, A.A., Rahaman, A.Z. and Khan, M.F.A., A Critical Review on Water Footprint Scenario of Bangladesh. International Conference on Earth and Environmental Science and Technology (ICEEST 2020), Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020.  


P. Das, A. Z. Rahaman & A. S. Qadir. Assessment of Climate Change Risk for Flash Floods and Socio-Economic Condition in Haor Region. International Conference on Earth and Environmental Science and Technology (ICEEST 2020), Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020.  


Shuvro, S.D., Rahaman, A.Z, Qadir, A.S., Hossain, B.M.T.A and Khan, M.F.A., Assessment of the Irrigation Water Requirement of Ashuganj Agro-Irrigation Project Considering Future Climate Change Scenarios. International Conference on Earth and Environmental Science and Technology (ICEEST 2020), Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020.  


Rahaman, A.Z., Sanjida, L., and Khan, M.F.A. Assessment of Climate Induced Coastal Vulnerability Index to Facilitate Greenbelt Delineation of Bangladesh. International Conference on Earth and Environmental Science and Technology (ICEEST 2020), Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2020.  


G. M. R. Amin, M. M. U. Haq, A. Z. Rahaman, and M. F. A. Khan. Development of 2D Hydrodynamic Model for Bay of Bengal using Delft3D flexible Mesh. 7th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2-4 March, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh


N. Mow, A. Z. Rahaman, G. M. R. Amin, M. F. A. Khan, M. Islam, S. Kibria. Vulnerability Assessment of Shetikheri and Aiepoly (Small and Big) Rivers of Southern Bhutan for Different Climate Change Scenarios. 7th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2-4 March, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  


A. Z. Rahaman, G. M. R. Amin, N. Mow, M. F. A. Khan. Flood Hazard Mapping of Shetikheri and Aiepoly (Small and Big) Rivers of Southern Bhutan for Different Climate Change Scenarios using HEC-RAS 2D. 7th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2-4 March, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  


Duti, B.M., Hossain, M.M., Khadim, F.K., Rahaman, A.Z. and Quadir, D. A., Mapping Floods in Bangladesh Using Satellite Data: An Overview. The Journal of NOAMI, 34(1): 57-68 (June 2017)  


Hossain, B.M.T.A., Rahaman, A.Z, Rashid, M.A, and Haq, M.M., Assessment of Drought Characteristics in Bangladesh, 6th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 4-6 March, 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  


Rashid, M. A., Hussain, S.K.G., Khan, M.F.A.., and Rahaman, A.Z., International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 4-6 March, 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Prioritizing Climate Smart Agricultural Interventions for Food Security


Tamanna, T., Khan, M.F.A.., Hossain, B.M.T., Rahaman, A.Z., and Haq, M.M., International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 4-6 March, 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Strategic Measures for Managing Water Resources of Bangladesh


Asaduzzaman M, Qamar Munir M, Ghulam Hussain Sk, A Khan MF, Abdur Rashid M, Rahaman AZ, Akand MdK. 2016. An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change. CEGIS Report. Dhaka, Bangladesh: Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services. Accessible at: https://hdl.handle.net/10568/82900  


Hossain, B.M.T.A., Ahmed, T., Aktar, M.N., Khan, M.F.A., Islam, A.K.M.S., Yazdan, M.M.S., Noor, F., and Rahaman, A.Z., Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in the Meghna Basin, 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 6-7 March, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh  


Aktar, M.N., Hossain, B.M.T.A., Ahmed, T., Khan, M.F.A., Islam, A.K.M.S., Yazdan, M.M.S., Noor, F., and Rahaman, A.Z., Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in the Brahmaputra Basin, 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 6-7 March, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  


Ahmed,T., Hossain, B.M.T.A., Aktar, M.N., Khan, M.F.A., Islam, A.K.M.S., Yazdan, M.M.S., Noor, F., and Rahaman, A.Z., Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in the Ganges Basin, 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 6-7 March, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  


Rahaman, A.Z., Khan, M.F.A., Aktar, M.N.,Hossain, B.M.T.A., Akand, M. K., and Noor, F., Climate Change Scenarios of Bangladesh using Statistical Downscaling Model (SDSM), 5th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM),Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 6-7 March, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  


Yazdan, M.M.S., A. Z. Rahaman, Noor, F., and Duti, B.M., Establishment of Co-relation between Remote Sensing based TRMM Data and Ground based Precipitation Data in North-East Region of Bangladesh. 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD 2014), 14-16 February, 2014, Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Khulna, Bangladesh.  


Rahaman, A.Z. and Rahman, M.A., Estimation of Design Wave Height along Marine Drive Road from Kalatali to Inani at Cox’s Bazar, 4th International Conference on Water and Flood Management (ICWFM), Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.