Badal Md. Faruque

Chief Specialist, Director
Contact No.: 01715111661

Career Summary

Mr. Faruque has professional experience of 25 years in the field of Information & Communication Technology (ICT). He has extensive experience in Computer Networking design, implementation, and administration under both Linux/UNIX & Windows platform. He is skilled in designing, configuring, implementing, and administration of Domain System, Mail Server, Web Server, Proxy servers, DNS, and FTP Server in Linux/Windows Operating Systems. He is also responsible for maintaining ICT Infrastructure, System Management, Server Administration and Internet Security of CEGIS’ computer network. He has attended a number of national and international seminars, workshops, and conferences. He has also participated in different training programs on Networking, Server Administration, and Project Management both at home and abroad. He is a member of the Bangladesh Computer Society (Member ID: MBCS-800) and a Member of the Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, Inc.(IEEE)USA. Member ID: 80144405. Over the course of his professional career, he has worked as a System Manager/System Analyst in various capacities gathering rich experience in the relevant field through activities such as setting up GIS Facilities in the Agriculture Division of the Planning Commission; developing of National Water Resources Database(NWRD); development of the Integrated Coastal Resources Database (ICRD); enhancing the capacity of the DLS (Department of Livestock Services) funded by Danish Embassy, and design, implement and providing ICT Infrastructure support for the Information, Communication and Digitalization program of the Bangladesh National Museum.


M. Sc. in Computer Science, 2003 held in 2007; B. Sc. in Computer Science (CIS), 2001

Area of Interest/Expertise

ICT Management, Networking and Systems Management, Design, Implement and Manage the ICT Infrastructure and Data Center, Server Administration (Linux & Windows)
