Deeba Farzana Moumita

Senior Specialist
Contact No.: 01913941367

Career Summary

Ms. Moumita conducts detailed Feasibility Study, IEE, EIA, and SIA studies as a Renewable Energy expert of a multi-disciplinary team of Power, Gas, and Planning sector projects. Also involved in remote sensing, spatial modeling, climate change, and disaster management-related projects as a Remote Sensing Specialist.

Carrying out satellite image interpretation & analysis, image processing activities including image rectification and image classification using digital techniques, quality control, integration of satellite imagery with other spatial data in both raster and vector formats, and preparation of thematic maps and outputs. Creation and analysis of spatial databases using GIS techniques for various GIS projects.

Provide training as an important resource person for Basic and Intermediate training on Remote Sensing Techniques (both theoretical and practical). Report writing and leading and managing projects.


Masters in Disaster Management, BRAC University; B.Sc in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST)

Area of Interest/Expertise

  • Power Sector
  • Disaster Field
  • Land Use and Land Cover Change
  • Training Field
  • Satellite Image-Based
  • Research Project
Other Area:
  • Project management, coordination and supervision.
  • Project proposal and report writing and work as a project leader.
  • Spatial database development, management and GIS analysis  
