Gazi Md. Riasat Amin

Junior Specialist
Contact No.: +8801687665578

Career Summary

Mr. Gazi Md. Riasat Amin has almost 5+ years of working experience in the field of Climate Change and Water Resource Engineering. He has vast experience and is dedicatedly involved in using different mathematical modeling tools i.e. SOBEK (1D & 2D), SWAT, HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, Delft3D, SWMM, SDSM, and DSSAT etc. He has proven experience in the hydrodynamic model setup using Delft3D, Delft3D FM, SOBEK 1D, 2D, SWMM, HEC RAS 1D/2D, and hydrologic Model setup using SWAT. Some of his remarkable achievements to date are:

·         Winning the title of “Most Promising Young Researcher Award” from CEGIS at recently happened Dhaka Water Knowledge Day-2019.

·         Co-developer of Flow Module and Network Module which are vital parts of Bangladesh Metal Model— a tool that is supposed to support Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100.

·         Developing the Bay of Bengal Model using Delft3D. (Currently, he is rephrasing the same model into Delft3D Flexible Mesh).

·         Developing Storm Surge Model using Delft3D.

·         Developing 2D Hydrodynamic Model for Shetikheri River of Bhutan using HecRAS.

·         Providing hand-on training on 1D and 2D Hydrodynamic models using HecRAS to different Government Officials in Bhutan.

·         Provided training on Dellft3D in IWFM, and BUET to different professionals from Ghana, India, and Vietnam under the DECCMA project.

·         25+ proposal writing for different projects.

Since joining CEGIS, Mr. Amin has been working in the field of water resources, climate change adaptation, vulnerabilities and impact assessment, climate modeling (downscaling), hydrologic and hydrodynamic modeling, and flood risk management, development planning and GIS. He was blessed with the opportunity to attend the long-term knowledge sharing and capacity building training program entitled “Formulation for Bangladesh Metal Model” arranged in The Netherlands from 10 to 26 May, 2019 under the Joint Cooperation program funded by the Embassy of Kingdom of the Netherlands. He is currently performing the role of project leader for two remarkable projects such as “Projection of Sea Level Rise and Assessment of its Sectoral Impacts” He has also experienced working in an international arena like Bhutan for flood risk and vulnerability assessment using hydrodynamic model and vulnerability assessment concept. Suitable adaptation measures formulation in concern with climate change was also part of his job. He has grown expertise in writing proposals and also handling several data analysis, processing, Landsat/Sentinel-1A/Sentinel-2A image analysis.


M.Sc. in Environmental Engineering (Civil), BUET (Ongoing) 2); B.Sc. in Civil & Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (2013), Sylhet

Area of Interest/Expertise

Hydrodynamic Modelling, Hydro-Morphology Modelling, Hydrology Modelling, Application of integrated technique of Remote Sesing and GIS, Coastal Modelling, Development of Advance Flood Forecasting System
