Mir Fahim Shaunak (on leave)

Associate Specialist
Contact No.: 01817527284
Email: fshaunak@cegisbd.com

Career Summary

Mr. Shaunak has been working in CEGIS for more than ten years. His career is in the field of Remote Sensing and GIS. He has expertise in satellite image processing, image analysis, and classification using different software like Erdas Imagine and eCognition, DTM generation, Mapping with ArcGIS etc. He has also participated as a trainer in different training programmes (ArcGIS, Remote Sensing, GPS and DGPS) for professionals of different organisations like WARPO and the Bangladesh Forest Department.


MURP (Masters in Urban and Regional Planning) 2011, BURP (Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning) 2008.

Area of Interest/Expertise

Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in the sector of Urban Planning, Water resource Management, Agriculture and Climate Change, and EIA



Biswas, R.N., Islam, M.N., Islam, M.N., Mia, M.J., Jahan, M.N., Shaunak, M.F., Rahman, M.M. and Islam, M.Y., 2022. Impacts of morphological change on coastal landscape dynamics in Monpura Island in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Regional Studies in Marine Science, p.102403.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsma.2022.102403.


Jalal, R., Iqbal, Z., Henry, M., Franceschini, G., Islam, M.S., Akhter, M., Khan, Z.T., Hadi, M.A., Hossain, M.A., Mahboob, M.G. and Udita, T.S., 2019. Toward efficient land cover mapping: an overview of the national land representation system and land cover map 2015 of Bangladesh. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 12(10), pp.3852-3861.DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2019.2903642.


Faisal, A. A., Hossain, A., Shajibul, H., Shaunak, M. F., Kafy, A. A. (2019). Remote Sensing Approach in Wetland and Land Degradation Assessment: A Scenario of Modhumoti Model Town, Savar, Bangladesh, 1st International Conference on Urban and Regional Planning, Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.