Mashuda Parvin

Junior Specialist
Contact No.: 01705066867

Career Summary

Ms. parvin has been working with the multidisciplinary team of CEGIS as an Ecologist for conducting feasibility, IEE, EIA, and Environmental Monitoring studies of water resources, power, forestry, climate change, communication, and various planning sector projects. She has gathered experience in the field of natural resources management and ecological impact assessment. Acquisition of field data on biodiversity and ecosystems, validation of ecological data through the application of GIS and RS and report writing on these aspects are his main activities. As an ecologist, she is experienced in the biodiversity assessment, preparation of environmental management plans, plantation design, evaluation of ecosystem services, and biodiversity conservation.

Mashuda parvin has engaged with different IEE/EIA studies of FCDI projects like Environmental Assessment (EA) for Costal Embankment Improvement Project (CEIP), Evaluation Study of Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB), Feasibility Study on EbA in the Draught- Prone Barind Tract Haor Wetland Area, Feasibility Study for Tourism Centers Development and etc. Her main tasks were to prepare an ecological baseline among the project and study area, find out the status of plants and wildlife there, ecosystem functionalities, and address existing sensitivity and impacts on biological resources. The other main tasks were to predict the probable impacts on plants and wildlife due to implementation of project interventions, suggest an environmental management plan for project negative impacts and enhancement plan for positive impacts and & nbsp; prepare ecological monitoring plan future environmental auditing


M. Sc. in Botany, 2007; B. Sc. (Honors) in Botany, 2006

Area of Interest/Expertise

River ecology, Biodiversity, Water resources, Ecological impact assessment, Climate change, and Food security.
