Md. Mizanur Rahman

Senior Specialist
Contact No.: 01775793167

Career Summary

Mr. Mizanur Rahman, Water Resources Engineer has been working at CEGIS under the Morphology Division since 2010. He has more than three years of experience in planning to dredge and spoil management, fixing dredging alignment using hydrographic survey chart, and calculation of dredged volume both manually in different methods and using GIS tools. He was involved in the optimized dredging project at two important ferry routes of Bangladesh (Daulatdia-Paturia and Mawa-Char Janajat) as well as some important navigation routes and has field-based monitoring experience in dredging activities. He was also involved in different research projects relevant to river morphology, erosion prediction, planform development, capital dredging, etc. He collected ground truth information and prepared physical descriptions of the rivers of Bangladesh for updating the book “Bangladesher Nadnadi”. He has knowledge of GIS/RS application, GIS analysis, GIS map preparation, AutoCAD, SOBEK hydrodynamic modeling, etc. He is well capable of handling projects, and dealing with managerial tasks under team effort and project stakeholders.


M.Sc. in Water Science and Engineering-specialization in Hydraulic Engineering and River Basin Development, UNESCO-IHE, Institute for Water Education, Delft, The Netherlands, 2017 B.Sc. in Water Resources Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), Dhaka, 2009.

Area of Interest/Expertise

River Morphology, Planform Development, Optimized Dredging, Mathematical Modeling Water Resources, Climate change
