Mohammed Mukteruzzaman

Principal Specialist
Contact No.: +880 1778617994

Career Summary

Mr. Mukteruzzaman possesses about 20 years of progressive professional experience in working in a multi-disciplinary environment and workforce as an ESIA expert in the sectors of power & energy, water resources, roads, fertilizer, forest, fisheries, and livestock in different capacities. He is experienced in natural resources planning, conservation, and management with a focus on sustainable fisheries resources He has profound knowledge of environmental due diligence of government and development partners including World Bank Group, Asian Development Bank, etc. As an ESIA practitioner and trainer, he has deep insight into the statutory environmental impact assessment process, environmental guidelines of Bangladesh, environmental, health, and safety guidelines of International Finance Corporation (IFC), and general environmental guidelines of MIGA and other aligned banks and agencies. His commendable attitude assists him in managing the multi-disciplinary workforce and bounding all in aligned conceptual understanding, which helps in the successful completion of the studies. His communication skill eases the parties involved in a study to reach a consensus after logical debates. His portfolio is rich in managing ESIA studies of large projects, leading teams, and reviewing Feasibility, IEE, ESIA, and DIA report. His extensive experiences in IEE and ESIA studies of Power Plant Construction (solar, gas, LNG, coal, HFO, and HSD), Erection of Power Transmission Line, Gas Transmission Line, Oil pipelines, Dredging Activities, Navigation routes, Coal Transportation, Urea Fertilizer Factory Construction, Land Development, Flood Control, and Drainage, etc. make him competent in the horizon of feasibility, environmental and monitoring studies of power, energy and mineral resources. In addition to the above, he is the author of ‘Fisheries’ in Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 Base Line Study Volume 4 Agriculture Food Security and Nutrition of Planning Commission and the author of Master Plan of Haor Areas (Fisheries) of Bangladesh Haor and Wetland Development Board. He is also adept in assessing water availability, fisheries water demand, production projection modeling, Environmental Flow Assessment, Disaster Management, Flood Early Warning Dissemination, Community Risk Assessment (CRA), and Household Risk Reduction Action Plan (HRRAP). He is also a trainer of ‘EIA Practitioners Course’ and ‘Wetland Restoration’. With such a great and diversified expertise in environmental and natural resources management, he is currently heading the Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources Division of CEGIS.


B.Sc. (Zoology), 1997 and M.Sc. (Zoology, specialisation in Fisheries), 2000, University of Dhaka

Area of Interest/Expertise

Fisheries and Natural Resources Planning and Management
