Md. Naif Ahmed Chowdhury

Research Consultant
Contact No.: +8801675193186
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Career Summary

Md. Naif Ahmed Chowdhury is an accomplished forest science graduate with an impressive background in forest management and ecosystem conservation. He has been actively engaged with CEGIS in various development and climate change projects related to the biological environment, conducting studies such as CRVA, IEE, EIA, VIA, Ecological landscape restoration, Landslides mitigation through bio engineering solutions and more. With his vast field experience, he has gained extensive knowledge of biodiversity survey, assessment, monitoring, and conservation of ecosystem, having traveled to different parts of the country, including forests and wetlands. Mr. Chowdhury has excelled in designing and validating questionnaires, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, as well as writing comprehensive and insightful project reports. He has developed exceptional skills in creating quantitative decision support tools and implementing effective natural resource management techniques.

Prior to his current role, Mr. Chowdhury worked as a research assistant at the prestigious "Nutrients Dynamic Lab, Khulna University," where he made significant contributions to the Bangladesh Forest Inventory project. His responsibilities included analyzing soil and litter samples, sample processing, database development, and he played a critical role in establishing the first-ever soil archive in Khulna University. Furthermore, he was an integral part of a DRR project funded by WFP at the Rohingya Refugees Camp, monitoring reforestation, and structural intervention activities. Overall, His tireless efforts to promote sustainable development and preserve the biological environment have been commendable, and he continues to be a valuable asset to the field of ecology, forestry and biodiversity.


M.Sc. (2019), and B.Sc. (2017) in Forestry, Khulna University, Bangladesh.

Area of Interest/Expertise

Forest health assessment, mangrove and wetland ecology, soil nutrients cycling, carbon sequestration, biodiversity assessment, climate change risk and vulnerability assessment (CRVA) on ecosystem, ecosystem services assessment (ES), SWOT analysis of ecosystem, and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Forest landscape restoration.



Md. Sharif Hasan L, Md. Naif Ahmed C, Shraboni D, Narottam P, Chameli S, et al. Exploring Soil Carbon and Nutrient Profiles in the Sundarbans Mangrove Forest of Bangladesh. Ecol Conserv Sci. 2025; 4(4): 555645. DOI: 10.19080/ECOA.2025.04.555645


Biswas, R.N., Rashid, K.J., Jahan, M.N. and Chowdhury, M.N.A., 2024. Geomorphological changes and landscape ecosystem services dynamics of the Bhasan Char Island in the Northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. Ocean & Coastal Management252, p.107096.


Hossain, M. S., Khan, M. A. H., Oluwajuwon, T. V., Biswas, J., Rubaiot Abdullah, S. M., Tanvir, M. S. S. I., ... & Chowdhury, M. N. A. (2023). Spatiotemporal change detection of land use land cover (LULC) in Fashiakhali wildlife sanctuary (FKWS) impact area, Bangladesh, employing multispectral images and GIS. Modeling Earth Systems and Environment9(3), 3151-3173.