Md Nasrat Jahan (on leave)

Associate Specialist
Contact No.: 01817592864

Career Summary

Mr. Jahan’s career is in the field of Remote Sensing. He is an expert in satellite image processing, analysis, and classification using different sophisticated tools like Erdas Imagine (9.X-11.0), eCognition, and Arc GIS (9.x-10.10) software. He has also participated as a trainer in different training programs for professionals of different organizations like the BWDB, WARPO, and the Bangladesh Forest Department


B.Sc. (Department of Geology, University of Dhaka) 2007, M.Sc. (Hydrogeology and Environment, Department of Geology, University of Dhaka) 2009

Area of Interest/Expertise

Application of Geo-informatics in different sectors like Water Resource, Ecology, Morphology, Agriculture and Climate Change & Environment
