Md Shofiqul Islam

Associate Specialist
Contact No.: 01718344535; 01918897772

Career Summary

Mr. Shofiqul has been working in CEGIS since 2004. Before that he had worked with BEMP (Bangladesh Environmental Management Plan), BCAS (Bangladesh Center for Advanced Studies), Crown Agencies, gas sector (as team leader for environmental monitoring of the Tangritila gas field), ACNenson Bangladesh, and Lecturer (Geography, Khondokar Delowar Hossain College, Manikganj. He has 9 years of experience in fieldwork such as field surveys, different data collection and report writing, liaison with GO and NGOs, and as a trainer. He is experienced in the Environmental Monitoring Information Network system (EMIN) and preparing socio-economic and environmental baseline studies. He is also familiar with the application of different research methodologies such as Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA), Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Focus Group Discussion (FGD), Stakeholder Consultation (SC), and Key Informants Interview (KII) along with techniques such as Public Consultation Meeting (PCM), Public Disclosure Meeting (PDM), In-depth Conversational Interviews (case studies), Spot Assessment Survey (SAS), and Household Survey (HS). He has successfully performed as a field manager on different projects.


Master of science in Geography and Environment, 2000 (held in 2002). Result: First class Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University. Bachelor of Science(Honors) in Geography and Environment, 1999 (held in 2001) Result: Second class Department of Geography and Environment, Jahangirnagar University.

Area of Interest/Expertise

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), Social Impact Assessment (SIA); Baseline, Impact Assessment, Social Management Plan, Disaster Management Planning, Mathematical Model Study, of Drainage & Irrigation Systems including Ground Water Study & Topographic Survey, Livelihoods Analysis; Monitoring & Evaluation Studies, Training as Trainer, Training about livelihood activities.
