Tahmid Saif Ahmed

Junior Specialist
Contact No.: 01674609252
Email: tahmidsaifahmed@gmail.com

Career Summary

Mr. Tahmid Saif Ahmed is working as a Research Associate in the Climate Change and Disaster Management Division of the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS). He has more than 5 years of experience in the field of water resources engineering, climate change, disaster risk reduction, and project formulation, negotiation and management. His professional experience includes conducting research and studies using hydrodynamic modeling, climate modeling, environmental auditing, and structural design using Delft 3D, SWAT, SOBEK, SDSM, AutoCAD, ARC-GIS and Google Sketch Up. Currently, he is working as a Project Leader of Flood Risk Assessment of Grounded Solar Power Plant (100 MWAC) in Bangladesh, Feni District, with Suntrace GMBH, Germany. He is also involved in a mega project of Chittagong Development Authority in association with the Bangladesh Army and CEGIS for Mitigating water logging project of Chattogram Metropolitan Area.

Mr. Ahmed has developed a Drainage model using Sobek for Chattogram Metropolitan Area, a Hydrodynamic model for Ganges and Padma using Delft 3D. He has developed a Climate model (Downscaling) using SDSM for 4 RCP scenarios. Besides he was working on the “Hydrological Modelling for Upgrading of National Highways” project where he is applying SOBEK-1D hydrodynamic and hydrology modelling approach to assess the suitability of current bridges North-West region of Bangladesh. Mr. Tahmid has extensive experience in the preparation of project proposals, DPP, and RDPP as well as project formulation and feasibility studies for a number of projects for different Governmental Organizations.


B.SC. in Civil Engineering from University of Asia Pacific.

Area of Interest/Expertise

Hydrology, Mathematical Modelling, Project Formulation, Negotiation and Management, GIS.



Dr. Muhammad Mizanur Rahaman*, Tahmid Saif Ahmed, 2016. Affordable Water Pricing for Slums Dwellers in Dhaka Metropolitan Area: The Case of Three Slums. Journal of Water Resource Engineering and Management ISSN: 2349-4336 (online) Volume 3, Issue 1 www.stmjournals.com.


Dr. Mizanur Rahaman, & Tahmid Saif Ahmed, 2015. Water pricing for slum dwellers in Dhaka Metropolitan Area: Is it Affordable? Accepted for oral presentation and publication in XV IWRA World Water Congress, 25-29 May. A3027957. (Submitted to Journal, Urban water Challenges)